21st June is celebrated as International Yoga day and was started in 2015 to spread awareness about the numerous benefits of Yogic practice on health and well-being. The major benefit that is most relevant to our current lives during the pandemic, is that Yoga minimizes the impact of stress on our bodies. It is not a miracle but a science that works beautifully to reduce the impact of stress and its delirious effects it has on our bodies.
Yoga belongs to Hinduism
Yoga does not belong to any religion. Although Yoga
did evolve around Hinduism, one does not have to be a follower of Hinduism to
perform Yoga. It is a tool which teaches us how to lead our lives to the
ultimate goal. In earlier times, Yoga was taught to children a part of their
education, regardless of their religion. It is a source when used correctly,
can lead to physical and emotional well-being.
Yoga is all about stretching and flexibility
Yoga is
not only about flexibility but more about mindful movement control which
requires strength, flexibility, and balance. It is a holistic form of exercise
which has numerous effects like reducing stress, improving posture and balance,
and improving breathing control to name a few.
Yes, we are trying to say that Yoga is not merely a
stretching workout. There are eight limbs, what we call as Ashtanga Yoga-
Yama – attitude to the environment
Niyama- attitude to yourself
Asana- physical postures
Pranayama- control over breathing
Pratyahara- withdrawal of the senses
Dharana- concentration
Dhyana- meditation
Samadhi- integration of all
Asanas are only one component of Yoga practise. Hence
Yoga is not about twisting and turning into weird positions. It is much more
than that!
I don’t have a Yoga body. I need to be thin to do
There is nothing such as a ‘Yoga body’ Every-body can
become a Yoga body. Yoga does not discriminate between thin, fat, old, young
etc. You also don’t have to be at the peak of your physical ability to perform
Yoga. No matter where you are, you can start your Yoga journey.
Yoga is too feminine for me. I prefer going to
the gym.
Yoga is practised solely by women is a big
misconception in today’s youth. Yoga and working out at the gym or cross-fit
training cannot be compared. Most types of exercises are competitive. Yoga
although non competitive nevertheless incredibly challenging and requires
mindful performing of asanas.
Credits: B.K. S. Iyengar (yogavastu.com)
I cannot do Yoga as I am not flexible
You do not have to be flexible to do Yoga, but in fact
practising Yoga will make you flexible. If you find others more flexible than
you, remember you must perform better than only yourself. The only prerequisite to start your Yoga
journey is to have a body and a willing mind. Consistency in practise will
bring strength and flexibility in the body and in the mind as well.
My Yoga routine is safe on days of my periods.
Some Yoga asanas like for example inverted postures
like headstands, handstand, should be avoided on days of menstruation. One must
be educated and aware of what to do and what not to do when on your periods!
Even some variations of pranayama are contraindicated then. Doing all asanas
just because you can even on the 2nd day, is not an achievement. You
may be doing harm to your body than helping it.
Credits: Verywell health
I have health issues and that is why I cannot do Yoga
Suffering from hypertension i.e. high blood pressure
for past few years should not stop you from performing Yoga, A lot of research
has shown how Yoga helps in various health conditions, the top most being high
and low blood pressure, diabetes, osteoarthritis and anorexia. But this
requires deep understanding of basic anatomy and physiology of our body and the
correct methods to help us out with some diseases. Getting help from an
educated professional in this field in highly recommended.
Yoga gives me back pain
Yoga is supposed to help your body and not cause harm
to it. If you are having back pain, knee pain, shoulder pain etc., please do
consult with your physiotherapist. Some things can be resolved easily but need
timely intervention form an expert. Do not continue doing the same routine
which might aggravate your condition rather than solving it!